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Digitale I/O-units uit de CJ-serie

Digitale I/O-units uit de CJ-serie

8 tot 64 punten per unit - ingang, uitgang of gemengd

Digitale I/O-units fungeren als de interface van de PLC om snelle, betrouwbare sequentiële besturingen mogelijk te maken. Dankzij een uitgebreid scala van units, van snelle DC-ingangen tot relaisuitgangen, kunt u de CJ-serie aan uw behoeften aanpassen.

CJ-units zijn beschikbaar met diverse I/O-dichtheden en verbindingstechnologieën. Maximaal 16 I/O-punten kunnen op units worden aangesloten met afneembare M3-schroefklemmen of schroefloze klemverbindingen. Zeer dichtgepakte 32- en 64-punts I/O-units zijn voorzien van standaard 40-pins platte-kabelconnectoren. Geprefabriceerde kabels en bedradingsklemmen zijn beschikbaar als gemakkelijke interface naar zeer dichtgepakte I/O-units.

Specificaties & bestelinfo

Product Type of module Digital input type Digital output type Number of digital inputs Number of digital outputs Permitted voltage at input Output current Short-circuit protected outputs I/O connection type Beschrijving
Digital input unit, 16 x 100-120 VAC inputs, screw terminal
Digital input unit, 8 x 24 VDC, independent inputs, screw terminal
Digital input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, screw terminal
Digital input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, screwless clamp terminal
Digital high-speed input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, screw terminal
Digital input unit, 32 x 24 VDC inputs, FCN40 connector (not included)
Digital input unit, 32 x 24 VDC inputs, MIL40 connector (not included)
Digital high-speed input unit, 32 x 24 VDC inputs, MIL40 connector (not included)
Digital input unit, 64 x 24 VDC inputs, 2 x FCN40 connectors (not included)
Digital input unit, 64 x 24 VDC inputs, MIL40 connector (not included)
Digital quick response input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, single shot pulse capture 30 µs minimum, screw terminal
Digital interrupt input unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, 2 max per CPU, screw terminal
Digital I/O unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, 2 A max, 2 x FCN24 connectors (not included)
Digital I/O unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, 2 A max, 2 x MIL20 connectors (not included)
Digital I/O unit, 16 x 24 VDC inputs, 16 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, 2 A max, 2 x MIL20 connectors (not included)
Digital I/O unit, 32 x 24 VDC inputs, 32 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, 3.2 A max, 2 x FCN40 connectors (not included)
Digital I/O unit, 32 x 24 VDC inputs, 32 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, 3.2 A max, 2 x MIL40 connectors (not included)
Digital I/O unit, 32 x 5 VDC TTL inputs, 32 x 5 VDC TTL outputs, 2 x MIL40 connectors(not included)
Digital output unit, 8 x triac outputs, 250 VAC, 0.6 A, screw terminal
Digital output unit, 8 x relay outputs, 250 VAC/24 VDC, 2 A max, independent commons, screw terminal
Digital output unit, 8 x relay outputs, 250 VAC/24 VDC, 2 A max, independent commons, screwless clamp terminal
Digital output unit, 16 x relay outputs, 250 VAC/24 VDC, 2 A max, screw terminal
Digital output unit, 16 x relay outputs, 250 VAC/24 VDC, 2 A max, screwless clamp terminal
Digital output unit, 8 x transistor outputs, PNP, 2.0 A, 24 VDC, screw terminal
Digital output unit, 8 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, screw terminal
Digital output unit, 8 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, with short-circuit protection and alarm, screw terminal
Digital output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, screw terminal
Digital output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, screwless clamp terminal
Digital output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, load short-circuit protection, screw terminal
Digital output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, load short-circuit protection, screwless clamp terminal
Digital high-speed output unit, 16 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24VDC, screw terminal
Digital output unit, 32 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, FCN40 connector (not included)
Digital output unit, 32 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.5 A, 24 VDC, load short-circuit protection, MIL40 connector (not included)
Digital high-speed output unit, 32 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 24VDC, MIL40 connector (not included)
Digital output unit, 64 x transistor outputs, NPN, 0.5 A, 12 to 24 VDC, 2 x FCN40 connectors (not included)
Digital output unit, 64 x transistor outputs, PNP, 0.3 A, 24 VDC, 2 x MIL40 connectors (not included)
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Digitale I/O-units uit de CJ-serie

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g2rvkit prod

Digitale I/O aansluiten op industriële G2RV-insteekrelais (tcm:320-7199)

cj digital io accessories prod
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CJ1W-ID/IA Datasheet
enPDF 3,3 MB
CJ1W-IDP01 Datasheet
enPDF 499 KB
CJ1W-INT01 Datasheet
enPDF 670 KB
CJ1W-MD Datasheet
enPDF 2,9 MB
CJ1W-OC/OA/OD Datasheet
enPDF 3,91 MB
CJ2 CPU Units Hardware Gebruikershandleiding
enPDF 8,4 MB

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