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Elektronische overstroombeveiliging

S8V-CP - Elektronische overstroombeveiliging

De S8V-CP beschermt DC-circuits zeer nauwkeurig. Overbelasting en kortsluiting worden nauwkeurig gedetecteerd en betrouwbaar uitgeschakeld

  • 4-/8-kanaals elektronische stroomonderbrekers met instelbare schakelstromen van 2 tot 10 A 
  • Thermomagnetische schakelkarakteristiek 
  • Sequentiële en lastafhankelijke start-up van de uitgangen om hoge inschakelstromen te voorkomen 
  • Mogelijkheid om belastingen met hoge capaciteit betrouwbaar in te schakelen 
  • Verlichte knoppen met meerkleurige leds geven in één oogopslag de uitgangsstatus aan 
  • Push-In Plus-klemmenblokken 
  • Ruimtebesparend Value Design voor het paneel 
  • Model conform UL-klasse 2 verlaagt de kosten voor het toepassen van een veiligheidsnorm

Specificaties & bestelinfo

Ordering information

Model Number Structure

Model Number Legend

Not all combinations are possible. Refer to List of Models in Ordering Information, below.

(1) Number of Outputs

Code Number of Outputs
04 4 outputs
08 8 outputs

(2) Rated input voltage

Code Rated input voltage
24 24 VDC

(3) UL Class 2 output

Code UL Class 2 output certified
S Yes
No No

List of Models


Number of Outputs UL Class 2 output Order code
4 outputs No S8V-CP0424
Yes S8V-CP0424S
8 outputs No S8V-CP0824


Item Model Number of Outputs UL Class 2 output S8V-CP0424 S8V-CP0424S S8V-CP0824
4 4 8
No Yes No
I/O characteristics Rated input voltage (Input voltage allowable range) 24 VDC (20 to 30 VDC) 24 VDC (20 to 28.8 VDC) 24 VDC (20 to 30 VDC)
Allowable input current
For power input terminals, use 35 A max. per pole.
40 A 15.2 A 70 A
Max. rated output current (per output) 10 A 3.8 A 10 A
Internal voltage drop
A voltage drop will occur in the S8V-CP. Consider the voltage drop at the output.
200 mV max. 150 mV max. 200 mV max.
Output leakage current 10 mA max.
Power consumption
When selecting the power supply, be sure to include the internal power consumption of the S8V-CP and not just the power consumption of the load.
When all outputs are
10 W max. (at 10 A) 3.1 W max. (at 3.8 A) 20 W max. (at 10 A)
When all output branches
are tripped
0.84 W typ. 0.82 W typ. 1.32 W typ.
Start-up time
Outputs start in order from +VO1 to +VO8. +VO1 starts after the initialization time. Start-up delay time of each output is automatically decided depending on the load. If the start-up delay time is over 5 s, the next output is forcibly started.
Initialization time 250 ms typical
Start-up delay time 50 ms to 5 s
Refer to Cat. No. T226-E1 for details.
Current tripping function
Refer to Cat. No. T226-E1 for details.
Rated output current 2 A, 3 A, 4 A, 6 A, 8 A, 10 A 3.8 A 2 A, 3 A, 4 A, 6 A, 8 A, 10 A
Cutoff current 2.5 A, 3.5 A, 4.5 A, 6.5 A,
8.5 A, 10.5 A
3.8 A 2.5 A, 3.5 A, 4.5 A, 6.5 A,
8.5 A, 10.5 A
Over voltage tripping function
Refer to Cat. No. T226-E1 for details.
No Yes No
Push button (ON/OFF/RESET) with indicator Yes (LED colors: Red/Green/Yellow)
Reset signal input (RST) Yes (High level: 15 to 30 VDC, Low level: 0 to 5 VDC)
Alarm signal output (ALM1/ALM2) Yes (MOS FET relay output 30 VDC max., 50 mA max.)
Insulation Dielectric strength 1.0 kVAC for 1 min (between all terminals and DIN rail mounting parts), current cutoff 20 mA
Insulation resistance 100 MΩ min. (between all terminals and DIN rail mounting parts) at 500 VDC
Environment Ambient operating temperature –25 to 70°C (Derating is required according to the temperature.) (with no condensation or icing)
Storage temperature –40 to 85°C (with no condensation or icing)
Ambient operating humidity 5% to 96% (storage humidity: 5% to 96%)
Vibration resistance 10 to 55 Hz, maximum 5 G, 0.42 mm half amplitude for 2 h each in X, Y, and Z directions
Shock resistance 294 m/s2, 3 times each in ±X, ±Y, ±Z directions
Reliability MTBF
MTBF is calculated according to JEITA RCR-9102.
13,5000 hrs typ. 60,000 hrs typ. 13,5000 hrs typ.
Life expectancy
Refer to Cat. No. T226-E1 for details.
10 years min.
Construction Weight 160 g max. 170 g max. 420 g max.
Cooling fan No
Degree of protection IP20 by EN/IEC 60529
Standards EMI Conforms to EN 61000-6-3
EMS Conforms to EN 61000-6-2
Safety standards UL 508 (CSA22.2 No.14-10) Listing Pol2
UL 2367 Recognition (Max. 100W per output, per Class 2 limitations) Pol2
UL Class 2 output applies for the S8V-CP0424S model only.

CE (EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-3)

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