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G-series motoren

G-series motoren

Compact van omvang, groot in functies

Een breed gamma van compacte servomotoren die aan alle eisen voldoen. Bij gebruik met een SmartStep 2-aandrijving, bieden de G-serie servomotoren de eenvoud en kosteneffectiviteit van een stappenmotor met de extra voordelen van een servosysteem.

  • Piekkoppel tot 300% van het continue koppel gedurende 3 seconden, of meer afhankelijk van het model
  • Servomotoren zijn ondersteund door SmartStep 2, G-serie en Accurax G5 servoaandrijvingen
  • Er zijn cilindrische en vlakke servomotoren leverbaar
  • Standaard encoderresolutie van 10.000 stappen/omw, 17-bits ABS-encoder als optie
  • IP65 als standaard en asafdichtring leverbaar
  • Motoren met rem als optie

Specificaties & bestelinfo

Product Servo control method Drive supply voltage Rated output Rated torque Rated speed Encoder type Motor with brake Beschrijving
G-Series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, incremental, Brake
G-Series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, incremental, Brake, with circular connector
G-Series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, incremental
G-Series AC servo motor, 50 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.16 Nm, incremental, with circular connector
G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, with brake
G-Series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, incremental, Brake, with circular connector
G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm
G-Series AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, incremental, with circular connector
G-Series AC servo motor, 1 kW, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 3.18 Nm, absolute
G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, with brake
G-Series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, incremental, Brake, with circular connector
G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm
G-Series AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, incremental, with circular connector
G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, with brake
G-Series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, incremental, Brake, with circular connector
G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cylinder type), 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm
G-Series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, incremental, with circular connector
G-Series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, absolute, Brake, with circular connector
G-Series AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, absolute, with circular connector
G-Series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, incremental, Brake
G-Series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, incremental, Brake, with circular connector
G-Series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, incremental
G-Series AC servo motor, 750 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 2.4 Nm, incremental, with circular connector
G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, incremental, Brake
G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, incremental, Brake, with circular connector
G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cube type), 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm
G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 100 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.32 Nm, incremental, with circular connector
G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, incremental, Brake
G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, incremental, Brake, with circular connector
G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cube type), 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm
G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, incremental, with circular connector
G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 200 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 0.64 Nm, absolute, with circular connector
G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, incremental, Brake
G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, incremental, Brake, with circular connector
G-Series/SmartStep 2 AC servo motor (cube type), 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm
G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, incremental, with circular connector
G-Series Flat type AC servo motor, 400 W, 200 VAC, 3000 rpm, 1.3 Nm, absolute, with circular connector
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