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M12-connectoren en kabelsets

M12-connectoren en kabelsets

Industriële connectoren en kabelsets voor elke toepassing

Breed scala aan connectiviteitsoplossingen voor M12-connectoren

  • Connectoren met één uiteinde en verlengstukken 
  • Maak kabelsets op maat met behulp van connectorsets
  • Connectoren voor paneelmontage
  • Connectoren met Y-verbinding en T-verbinding
  • Modellen met snelle aansluiting vereenvoudigen het onderhoud en reduceren de uitvaltijd
  • Afspoelbestendige modellen met Ecolab-certificering 
  • Speciale oliebestendige modellen
  • Zeer flexibele robotkabels en trillingsbestendige modellen
  • Kabels van verschillende kwaliteit PVC, PUR en PP
  • Aansluitklemmenkasten

Specificaties & bestelinfo

Product Usage Connector 1 Connector 2 Number of pin contact Cable specifications Cable length Features Color Color cover Material nut LED indicator Connection method For cable outer diameter Beschrijving
Field assembly connector, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, solder connection, for cable diameters 5-6 mm
Field assembly connector, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, solder connection, for cable diameters 5-6 mm
Field assembly connector, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, solder connection, for cable diameters 4-5 mm
Field assembly connector, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, screw connection, for cable diameters 5-6 mm
Field assembly connector, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, screw connection, for cable diameters 5-6 mm
Field assembly connector, M12 straight socket (female), 5-poles, A coded, screw connection, for cable diameters 5-6 mm
Field assembly connector, M12 right-angle socket (female), 5-poles, A coded, screw connection, for cable diameters 5-6 mm
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, 2-wires (3 - 4), B coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, 2-wires (3 - 4), B coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 2 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 15 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 2 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 5-poles, A coded, PVC standard cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 5-poles, A coded, PVC standard cable, IP67, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 5-poles, A coded, PVC standard cable, IP67, 15 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 5-poles, A coded, PVC standard cable, IP67, 20 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 3-poles, A coded, PVC standard cable, IP67, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 3-poles, A coded, PVC standard cable, IP67, 2 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 3-poles, A coded, PVC standard cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 3-poles, A coded, PVC standard cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC standard cable, IP67, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC standard cable, IP67, 2 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC standard cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC standard cable, IP67, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC standard cable, IP67, 2 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC standard cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 3-poles, A coded, PUR fire-retardant halogen free cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PUR fire-retardant halogen free cable, IP67, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PUR fire-retardant halogen free cable, with LED indicator (PNP), IP67, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PUR fire-retardant halogen free cable, IP67, 15 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PUR fire-retardant halogen free cable, IP67, 20 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PUR fire-retardant halogen free cable, IP67, 2 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PUR fire-retardant halogen free cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PUR fire-retardant halogen free cable, with LED indicator (PNP), IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PUR fire-retardant halogen free cable, IP67, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PUR fire-retardant halogen free cable, IP67, 20 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PUR fire-retardant halogen free cable, IP67, 2 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PUR fire-retardant halogen free cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 5-poles, A coded, PUR fire-retardant halogen free cable, IP67, 2 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 5-poles, A coded, PUR fire-retardant halogen free cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 5-poles, A coded, PUR fire-retardant halogen free cable, IP67, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 5-poles, A coded, PUR fire-retardant halogen free cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 3-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, IP67, 2 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 3-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, with LED indicator (PNP), IP67, 2 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 3-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 3-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, IP67, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, with LED indicator (PNP), IP67, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, IP67, 15 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, IP67, 20 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, IP67, 2 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, with LED indicator (PNP), IP67, 2 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, with LED indicator (PNP), IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, IP67, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, IP67, 15 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, IP67, 20 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, IP67, 2 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 5-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, IP67, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 5-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 5-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, IP67, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 5-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, IP67, 2 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 5-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant cable, IP67, 5 m
Field assembly connector, M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, screw connection, for cable diameters 5-6 mm
Field assembly connector, M12 right-angle plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, screw connection, for cable diameters 5-6 mm
Field assembly connector, M12 straight plug (male), 5-poles, A coded, screw connection, for cable diameters 5-6 mm
Field assembly connector, M12 straight plug (male), 5-poles, A coded, screw connection, for cable diameters 7-8 mm
Field assembly connector, M12 straight plug (male), 5-poles, A coded, screw connection, for cable diameters 6-7 mm
Sensor cable, M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 5 m
Y-Joint plug/socket M12 without cable (3 pole 1:2)
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M12 straight socket (female), M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 1 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M12 straight socket (female), M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 2 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M12 straight socket (female), M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 5 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M12 straight socket (female), M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 10 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M12 straight socket (female), M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 15 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M12 straight socket (female), M12 right-angle plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 5 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M12 right-angle socket (female), M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 1 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M12 right-angle socket (female), M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 2 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M12 right-angle socket (female), M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 5 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M12 right-angle socket (female), M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 10 m
Field assembly connector, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, IDC connection, for cable diameters 3-8 mm
Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 1 m
Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 2 m
Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC oil-resistant cable, IP67, 2 m
Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC oil-resistant robot cable, IP67, 2 m
Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 3 m
Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC oil-resistant cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC oil-resistant robot cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 10 m
Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC oil-resistant cable, IP67, 10 m
Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC oil-resistant robot cable, IP67, 10 m
Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 20 m
IO-Link cable, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), 5-poles, A coded, PVC, IP67, 2 m
Field assembly connector, Smartclick M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, IDC connection, for cable diameters 3-8 mm
Sensor cable, Smartclick M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 5 m
Y-Joint plug/socket M12 SmartClick without cable (4-4, 4-2)
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), Smartclick M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 1 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), Smartclick M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC oil-resistant cable, IP67, 1 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), Smartclick M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC oil-reistant robot cable, IP67, 1 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), Smartclick M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 2 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), Smartclick M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC oil-resistant cable, IP67, 2 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), Smartclick M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC oil-reistant robot cable, IP67, 2 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), Smartclick M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 3 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), Smartclick M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 5 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), Smartclick M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC oil-resistant cable, IP67, 5 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), Smartclick M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC oil-reistant robot cable, IP67, 5 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), Smartclick M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 10 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, Smartclick M12 straight socket (female), Smartclick M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, A coded, PVC fire-retardant robot cable, IP67, 20 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M12 straight socket (female), M12 straight plug (male), 8-poles, A coded, PUR shielded cable, IP67, 0.6 m
Cable with connectors on both cable ends, M12 straight socket (female), M12 straight plug (male), 8-poles, A coded, PUR shielded cable, IP67, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, PUR cable, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, PUR cable, 2 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, PUR shielded cable, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, PUR shielded cable, 25 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, PUR shielded cable, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 8-poles, PUR shielded cable, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 8-poles, PUR shielded cable, 25 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 8-poles, PUR shielded cable, 2 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 8-poles, PUR shielded cable, 5 m
Field assembly connector, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, screw connection, for cable diameters 3.0-6.5 mm
Field assembly connector, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, screw connection, for cable diameters 3.0-6.5 mm
Field assembly connector, M12 right-angle plug (male), 4-poles, screw connection, for cable diameters 3.0-6.5 mm
Field assembly connector, M12 straight plug (male), 4-poles, screw connection, for cable diameters 3.0-6.5 mm
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, PP detergent and washdown resistant cable, IP67/IP68/IP69K, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, PP detergent and washdown resistant cable, IP67/IP68/IP69K, 20 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, PP detergent and washdown resistant cable, IP67/IP68/IP69K, 2 m
Sensor cable, M12 right-angle socket (female), 4-poles, PP detergent and washdown resistant cable, IP67/IP68/IP69K, 5 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, PP detergent and washdown resistant cable, IP67/IP68/IP69K, 10 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, PP detergent and washdown resistant cable, IP67/IP68/IP69K, 20 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, PP detergent and washdown resistant cable, IP67/IP68/IP69K, 2 m
Sensor cable, M12 straight socket (female), 4-poles, PP detergent and washdown resistant cable, IP67/IP68/IP69K, 5 m
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