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Verspilling in uw persluchtleidingen opsporen

Meet luchtlekkage, luchtgebruik en luchtdruk voor een beter energiebeheer bij de luchtleiding. Luchtstroomsensoren van de D6FZ-FGS1000-serie brengen onzichtbaar energieverbruik van persluchtsystemen in beeld, zodat energiemanagers en ESCo's (Energy Service Company's) beter actie kunnen ondernemen.

  • Uiterst nauwkeurige stroommetingen
  • Gelijktijdig lekkage, gebruik, druk en temperatuur meten met één uniek product
  • 2 analoge en 2 pulsuitgangen
  • RS485-communicatie
  • Hoge beschermingsgraad: IP64
  • Monteerbaar op een pijpbocht of koppeling
  • Bedrijfsindicator
  • Drempelwaarde (piek/dal/lekkage)
  • Opslag bij alarm

Specificaties & bestelinfo

Ordering information



Product name

Order code


Air flow sensor

(200L type)




Air flow sensor

(500L type)



Air flow sensor

(1000L type, cable length: 0.2 m)



Air flow station

(Cable length 1.5 m, including T-branch connector cable)



Air flow sensor set (1000L type)

Air flow sensor (1000L type)

Air flow station

T-branch connector

Single-end wire cable (3 m)


Accessories (sold separately)


Product name

Order code


T-branch connector



(Air flow sensor D6FZ-FGT only)

Mounting bracket

Mounting bracket: 1

Plus screw (M3): 4




(Air flow station D6FZ-FGX21 only)

Mounting magnet

Mounting magnet: 2

Plus screw (M3): 2



Single-end wire cable

Cable length 3 m

M12 connector

(8 pin)


Cable length 10 m


Cable length 20 m



Double-end connector cable

Cable length 3 m

M12 connector

(8 pin)


Cable length 5 m


Cable length 10 m


Cable length 20 m



Air flow sensor






Applicable fluid

Air, nitrogen (N2)

1. Clean Dry Gas (must not contain large particle e.g. duct, oil and mist)

Working pressure

0.75 MPa (withstands pressure of 1.5MPa)

Measurement range

2. Converted value assuming the accumulated flow quantity following conditions
std (factory default): 20°C at 1 atmospheric pressure 101.3 kPa, nor: 0°C at 1 atmospheric pressure 101.3 kPa

0 to 200 L/min

0 to 500 L/min


2. Converted value assuming the accumulated flow quantity following conditions
std (factory default): 20°C at 1 atmospheric pressure 101.3 kPa, nor: 0°C at 1 atmospheric pressure 101.3 kPa

±2.0%F.S. at 50 L/min or more

±0.5%F.S. at less than 50 L/min

Pressure loss

2 kPa max.

4 kPa max.

Power supply voltage

12 to 24 VDC ±10% ripple (p-p) 10% max.

Current consumption

120 mA max.


Momentary flow/integrated flow/reversing display/zero point adjustment/peak and bottom hold/key lock/eco model/scaling (analog output)/judgement hysteresis/teaching


Output interface


Current output 4 to 20 mA (1 contact), maximum load resistance 300 Ω max.


Open collector output (2 outputs) 26.4 VDC 50 mA max.

ON residual voltage 2 V max.

(Outputs can be selected from judgement output, pulse output and unit error output)


2-wire half duplex communication, start-stop synchronized method

Baud rate: 9.6k/19.2k/38.4k/115.2kbps, data bit length: 7/8bit,

stop bit length: 1/2bit, parity: none/even/odd,

termination resister (120 Ω ): ON/OFF,

communications protocol: compatible with CompoWay/F

Output values

Momentary flow, integrated flow, judgement output, unit error output

Connection bore diameter

Rc1/4 (8 A)

Rc1/2 (15 A)


30(W) × 77(D) × 63.7(H) mm

Weight (when packaged)

Approx. 400 g (500 g)






Applicable fluid

Air, nitrogen (N2)

Working pressure

0.99 MPa max.



Detection range

1 to 1,000 L/min (std)


0.1 L/min


±2.0% of reading at 50 L/min (std) or more

±0.1%F.S. at less than 50 L/min


Detection range

0 to 0.99 MPa




Detection range

-10 to 60°C


±1.5% (absolute temperature)

Pressure loss

Direct piping:10 kPa max. (0.5 MPa, at maximum flow)

Using coupler (TL type by NAGAHORI INDUSTRY CO., LTD.):

10 kPa max. (0.5 MPa, at maximum flow)

Power supply voltage

16 to 24 VDC ±10% ripple (p-p) 10% max. (Using single unit),

24 VDC ±10% ripple (p-p) 10% max. (Using multiple units)

Power consumption

2 W max.





Current output 4 to 20 mA (2 contact)

3. Analog output comprise the momentary standard flow rate and pressure.
Max. load resistance 270 Ω max.


Open drain output (2 outputs)

4. The integrated standard flow of the pulse output can be selected from 1, 10 (factory default), 100, or 1000 L(std)/P.
24 VDC 50mA max.

ON residual voltage 1.5 V max., OFF leakage current 50 µA max.


2-wire half duplex communication, start-stop synchronized method

Baud rate: 115.2 kbps (fixed), Data bit length: 8 bits (fixed), stop bit length: 1 bit (fixed), parity: even (fixed), communications protocol: compatible with CompoWay/F

Outpus values

Momentary standard flow, integrated standard flow, pressure, unit error output

Wiring connection

M12 connector (8-pin)

Connection bore diameter

Rc1 (25 A) bushing enables conversion to 15 A and 20 A


64(W) × 93(D) × 195(H) mm (excluding flange)

Weight (when packaged)

Approx. 1.2 kg (Approx. 1.7 kg)


1. Clean Dry Gas (must not contain large particle e.g. duct, oil and mist)

2. Converted value assuming the accumulated flow quantity following conditions
std (factory default): 20°C at 1 atmospheric pressure 101.3 kPa, nor: 0°C at 1 atmospheric pressure 101.3 kPa

3. Analog output comprise the momentary standard flow rate and pressure.

4. The integrated standard flow of the pulse output can be selected from 1, 10 (factory default), 100, or 1000 L(std)/P.

1. Clean Dry Gas (must not contain large particle e.g. duct, oil and mist)

2. Converted value assuming the accumulated flow quantity following conditions
std (factory default): 20°C at 1 atmospheric pressure 101.3 kPa, nor: 0°C at 1 atmospheric pressure 101.3 kPa

3. Analog output comprise the momentary standard flow rate and pressure.

4. The integrated standard flow of the pulse output can be selected from 1, 10 (factory default), 100, or 1000 L(std)/P.

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