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Alimentations avec affichage

Les blocs d'alimentation c.a./c.c. S8VS-A/B sont équipés d'un affichage indiquant la tension de sortie, le courant de sortie et le courant de crête. Le bloc de type A dispose d'une fonction d'affichage des temps de maintenance préventive sur une année de fonctionnement afin de faciliter la maintenance de l'équipement et permettre le remplacement de pièces avant la fin de vie du produit. Le type B dispose d'une fonction de surveillance de la durée totale de fonctionnement pour permettre la planification correcte de la maintenance.

  • Plage de température de fonctionnement : -10 à 60°C
  • Affichage à 3 chiffres et 7 segments
  • Sortie d'alarme (Transistor : PNP, NPN)
  • Bornes à ressort disponibles
  • Conformité cULus, EN, RoHS
  • Sortie UL classe 2 (60 W et 90 W)

Caractéristiques et références

Produit Type Mounting method Phase Power output Efficiency Output voltage Rated output current Temperature range Features Terminal Communication port(s) Alarm function Number of output branches Rated supply voltage at AC 50 Hz Allowable supply voltage AC Allowable supply voltage DC Product Width (unpacked) Product Height (unpacked) Product Depth (unpacked) Description
Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 10 W, 5 VDC, 2.0 A output
Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 15 W, 12 VDC, 1.2 A output
Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 15 W, 24 VDC, 0.65 A output
Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 20 W, 5 VDC, 4 A output
Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 30 W, 12 VDC, 2.5 A output
Power supply, plastic case, 22.5 mm wide DIN rail or direct panel mounting, 100/240 VAC supply, 30 W, 24 VDC, 1.3 A output
Power supply, 60 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 2.5 A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model
Power supply, 60 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 24VDC 2.5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function
Power supply, 60 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 2.5 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function
Power supply, 90W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 3.75A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model
Power supply, 90 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 24 VDC 3.75A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function with settable alarm point
Power supply, 120 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 5 A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model
Power supply, 120 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 24VDC 5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function with settable alarm point
Power supply, 120 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 5 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and forecast monitoring function with settable alarm point
Power supply, 120 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 24 VDC 5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point
Power supply, 120 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 5 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point
Power supply, 180W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 7.5A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model
Power supply, 180W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC 7.5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function with settable alarm point
Power supply, 180W, 100-240VAC input, 24VDC 7.5A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function with settable alarm point
Power supply, 240 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 10 A output, DIN rail mounting, basic model
Power supply, 240W, 100/240 VAC input, 24VDC 10A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and maintenance monitor function with settable alarm point
Power supply, 240 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 10 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display running voltage and current, peak current, and forecast monitoring function with settable alarm point
Power supply, 240 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 24VDC 10 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point
Power supply, 240 W, 100-240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 10 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display with running voltage and current, peak current, and total run time function with settable alarm point
Power supply, 480 W, 100 to 240 VAC input, 24 VDC, 20 A output, DIN rail mounting, digital display running voltage and current, peak current, and forecast monitoring function with settable alarm point
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