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U hebt nu toegang tot Online Panel Discussion: The Vision for The Future of E-mobility Manufacturing

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Online Panel Discussion: The Vision for The Future of E-mobility Manufacturing


Electric vehicles and e-Mobility are shaping the future of the automotive industry. What should companies in the industry consider when future-proofing their production and to meet the challenges that this transition brings.

In our online panel discussion on Tuesday 2 June, our industry experts will discuss the topic “Vision for The Future of E-mobility Manufacturing”.

Points discussed include:

  • How are new business models and R&D priorities shaping the automotive market? How can companies ensure alignment in partnerships?
  • How important is public funding to develop new breakthrough technologies? 
  • Is there room for improvement in how Industry 4.0 / Smart Factory is being implemented? 
  • What specific automation technology developments will help machine builders and producers to create a smart factory? 
  • How do the panelists look at the topic of Dark Factories/Lights-out manufacturing? 
  • What are the differences between best quality and “predictive” quality? 
  • Electrification in Europe
  • In addition to ensuring safety and reliability, which factors are important in manufacturing when building a public image?
  • How to ensure a smooth transition from traditional automotive products to e-Mobility lines?

Language: English